[JulesJordan] Sophia Leone (Interracial Monster Cock Challenge / 07.10.2019)


Sophia Leone has her tiny body split in two by Dredd’s Massive dong! Sophia is a Latina hottie that Jules flew in from Miami to see if she can handle Dredd’s BBC. She’s dressed in sexy red lingerie with matching stockings and high heels as Jules talks to her about what they’ll be doing today. Sophia shakes her ass as she shows off the goods, then pulls her bra to the side so we get an amazing looks at her perky tits. Sophia makes her way over to the couch where she finds Dredd waiting for her and after they introduce themselves to each other their and get more comfortable. Dredd plays with her tits as Sophia strokes his cock through his pants, then Dredd unleashes the beast as he drops his pants to the floor. Sophia is blown away by the size, but that doesn’t stop her from wrapping her sweet lips around that massive BBC and trying to fit it all the way down her throat. She rubs that cock against her nipples and licks it up and down before grinding her ass against it and driving Dredd crazy. Sophia drops back down to her knees so she can get another taste of that giant cock, then Dredd helps her slide off her panties and licks her pussy & ass before gets on her hands and knees and tells Dredd to pound her from behind. Dredd squeezes his massive dick into Sophia’s tight little pussy and stretches it out more and more with every stroke. Sophia wants to feel that whole cock inside her so she straddles Dredd and impales herself on that dick as she takes it as deep as she can! We get an amazing view as Sophia bounces her beautiful ass up and down on that cock then she licks that BBC clean and gets back on top in reverse cowgirl. Dredd hammers away at her horny hole until he can’t take it anymore and shoots his load all over her pretty face.





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