[BangBros18] Gianna Dior (Gianna Gets Fucked in the Doggy Door / 07.16.2019)


Gianna returns home from school when she realizes she forgot her keys and is locked out. She tries to get in using the doggy door but then she gets stuck, she calls her stepdad for help and when he comes over and tries to push her thru the hole, he gets horny, Gianna is right there on all fours with her pretty ass exposed and no panties, so he pulls his dick out and penetrates Gianna, she gets shocked at first but after a while she starts enjoying it, then her mom comes home and offer to help her from the backyard so her stepdad turns around to make Gianna suck his dick without been caught. Finally, mom helps Gianna out of the doggy door, but Dad cannot wait, he takes her and storms out to her bedroom, there Gianna keeps sucking his dick before getting pound really hard all over her bed until Dad delivers his hot load right inside her





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