[FamilyStrokes] Sasha Sparrow (Stepsister Dreams Cum True / 08.08.2019)


Dark haired hottie Sasha Sparrow is a super sexual nubile. When she is home alone, she is not shy about sticking her hand in her pants and offering herself the love and attention she deserves. There is nothing hotter than when she feels her own clit on her fingertips. Her pussy gets wet and she covers herself in her juices, getting more and more turned on as she touches herself. Sasha can get lost in her own world of pleasure any time she would like. And today, she is planning on having a long, relaxing day full of orgasmic fun to herself. She sits down on the couch and throws on some of her favorite porn. She loves watching family therapy porn more than anything. Something about it really turns her on and gets her body ready to be lavished. Maybe it is because she is secretly turned on by her own stepbrother. She does not know how to tell him, so she acts it all out in fantasy. She just wants to know what it would feel like to have a member of her own family stroke inside her young, wet cunt. She imagines it would be a dream cum true. Lucky for her, she does not have to imagine anymore. When her stepbrother catches her in the act of masturbating, he is intrigued. He unsheathes his thick rod and lets the pervy chick slobber all over his meaty knob. She chokes on his dick and then spreads her legs wide for him to penetrate her for some steamy stepsibling sex. She loves the way his big prick feels deep inside her perfectly bald pussy. And as soon as her stepbrother unleashes a creamy load of cum all over her face, Sasha is sure this is a secret she will never forget…





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